San Francisco 49ers v Detroit Lions
Photo by Michael Zagaris/San Francisco 49ers/Getty Images

Some unfortunate for a beloved locker room figure

Terrible news from Santa Clara. Kyle Shanahan reported Jason Verrett suffered a shoulder injury that requires rotator cuff surgery. This is Verrett’s sixth season-ending injury.

Verrett was expected to take many snaps in Sunday’s season finale against the Los Angeles Rams. The team was vocal with their support behind Verrett after his return late this season.

In a week that was built around health, preparation for backups, and heading into Wild Card week prepping for their divisional opponent, having this injury is a dark cloud around the team.

The injury happened in practice, where Verrett went for a pass attempt and fell on his shoulder. David Lombardi reported that Verrett finished practice to avoid an MRI, but the tests confirmed the worst possible news.

Verrett’s return was valuable and veteran depth for the 49ers secondary. Unfortunately, his season is over. Absolutely gut-wrenching.

Shanahan elaborated on the injury:

“It was. He was going to play a lot. Yesterday, he landed on his shoulder and he has to get rotator cuff surgery. We all know when he tore his ACL in Detroit, Week One on that turf, took about a year and a half to get back from it. Then he got his Achilles just on air last year on the field. He was practicing his butt off all week. We were going to play him a lot in this game. He has been awesome here this last month. He jumped up for a ball and just came down on his shoulder in an awkward position. It happens to a lot of guys so it’s crushing for him but also, it was a shoulder injury. It wasn’t like a knee or a leg, but you do have to get surgery for that stuff. So, he found that out this morning.”

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