New acquisition Trent Williams  has been terrific so far for the 49ers. (Phelan M. Ebenhack/AP)

(Editor’s note — Now that the season has begun (barring any last-second problems) we’re going to make a change in the blog. Starting next week it will appear the day after every game. It will give us a chance to highlight some overlooked moments, strategize and yes, creatively second-guess everyone. And that’s every game, whether Sunday, Monday or Thursday. Now back to your regular programing.)

I predict another championship season for the 49ers. Certainly well into the playoffs and maybe back to the Super Bowl. It would not be a surprise.

Not that you care, but front-running with the home team is not usually my style. Now, when I started at the Chronicle, back in the dark ages, we had a veteran sports columnist named Art Rosenbaum. Nice guy, but he shamelessly played the hometown angle. He picked the A’s and Giants to win the World Series every year, on the chance that he could luxuriate in the “I told you so’s,” if it happened.

Nope, this is just gut feeling. I think this will be another big year for the 49ers.

Not that I don’t have reasons. For instance:

To say this was an unusual off-season is to understate. There were no off-season camps. No visits to interview top draft choices. And no pre-season games.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say this would be the absolute worst time

About the Author: Insidethe49

Insidethe49 Site Staff

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