The former WR showed us as it was happening

Former San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Terrell Owens has been all over the news during the last few days. Over the weekend he was on the beach. You may have heard about that on TMZ. When he’s not soaking up the sun, Owens was dunking on people in the gym:

He’s always been an otherworldly athlete. It’s still impressive to see at his age.

In the most recent episode of TO’s life, the hall of famer gave us a live look at the making of his Hall of fame bust for the 49ers.

That’s pretty cool. I can’t imagine the levels of how uncomfortable TO is there. The video really helps paint the picture of the level of depth that goes into making these sort of things. That’s quite the process.

Earlier this month the team announced that it was inducting Owens into the teams Hall of fame sometime during the 2019 season. Last week, we found out that would be for the home opener. We will see what news Owens brings us next week.

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