Former NFL safety John Lynch recently detonated his idyllic life as though it was a wide receiver crossing the middle. Lynch, 45, in a suit and tie after his introductory news conference, was asked, as he leaned against a counter in the media room at Levi’s Stadium, why he’d swapped serenity for stress. Before joining the 49ers, the 15-year NFL veteran spent eight years as a well-respected Fox broadcaster, and his work-half-the-year gig let him stay close to family as well as football. Lynch was smiling, too, but then the grin faded and his eyes pooled with tears. The answer involves the craving for competition that fuels countless athletes and often can’t be satisfied after the final whistle. At the end of a telecast, the nine-time Pro Bowl player and four-time Hall of Fame finalist often fist-bumped his play-by-play partner and then … nothing. During his playing career, that was

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